Wednesday, July 14, 2010

If I had to hire someone...

The top five things I would look for would be:
1) Good work ethic. I don't want a suck up but I want someone that will do their job and do it well.
2) A good attitude. I want someone who genuinely wants to be there even if it's not the best job. I want my employees to take pride in their work; then I will know that they will do their job well.
3) Clean cut dress and grooming. I don't want my employees looking like slobs. They are representatives of my business and I don't want my business to get a reputation as being unprofessional.
4) A "team player." Although I want each individual employee to do their own work and do it well, I don't want it to be every man for himself. Depending on the actual job, one mistake can snowball and bring the whole company down. I want my employees to work together to make things work. Honestly if someone doesn't work well with others and he or she only looks out for themselves then there's no place for them at my company. I don't expect everybody to get along, but to put those conflicts aside for the sake of their work. All for one and one for all.
5) Honesty. Now I don't mean that the person shouldn't have a filter on what they say. Some things are just inappropriate to say at work and I expect all of my employees to know that. I'm saying that I don't want someone to sit there and do nothing, taking credit for someone else's work, or watch someone do something that could potentially harm my business and not say anything. I want my employees to look out for the best interest of my business.